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Goodguys 33rd West Coast Nationals Aug 23-25 2019 Pleasanton Fairgrounds
For the seventh year we will be getting together at the Good-Guys show at the end of August and many of us are working on our cars in preparation for the show. Please look for us in the shade of the pavilion near the rear car show tunnel.
Bill Stine 1946 - 2019
We lost a club member and good friend this year; Bill Stine. Bill was the last president of the Novi. Pictured here at last years GoodGuys car show with his son Jonathan, he will always be remembered as a wonderful father to both his children, Staria and Jonathan, and a fantastic husband to his wife, Denise. As a senior financial accountant at a nonprofit, Bill was a well-respected member of his community in Phonix, AZ. We are lucky to have so many memories of all the fun times we had together with banter and jokes. From high school until his final days. Bill always had a positive, outgoing style and message about what was important in life.
RIP William __Novie Car Club Members__
2017, Comments from Rich Guess:
On Aug 25-26-27 we will have are reunion again at the Good Guys car show in Pleasanton, Ca with a scheduled official meeting of the Novi Car Club sometime over the weekend. Many of our old members in good standing have been coming for years now and as we have been losing an alarming number of the guys, year after year we need you to attend soon and renew the old friendships. You won’t be sorry. We have a limited number of rooms reserved under the Novi give me a call for more info. I'm still looking for contact information on other missing club members, so if you know the whereabouts of anyone please let me know. RSVP Rich Guess (916) 419-2015 Holiday Express Inn/ Livermore, Ca (925) 961-9600
About the Novi Car Club
Our club was established in the early 1960’s in La Crescenta, California. We currently have about 30 active members that live around the country, and there is plenty of room for many more new members if you would like to become part of the group. Our club welcomes all hot rods, classic cars and trucks. Your hotrod does not have to be road ready, meaning the hotrod does not run, but it is a work in progress, you can apply for membership, however you must be sponsored by one of the current members to join. Our car club organizes a yearly members (and guests) cruise-in and destination event, as well as performing charitable support for our community. We meet yearly at the end of the summer in Pleasanton, CA at the Goodguy’s Western Nationals Car Show and spend three days together enjoying the event and each other’s company. We also take part in many parades and community fund raisers around the country throughout the year and interact with other car clubs within our own communities.
Copyright © 2012 Novi Car Club -- All Rights Reserved Last Modified: Aug 5th , 2017